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Pet Parent

For login details and access to your pets profile and personalized weight loss plan, you will need to first enrol your pet at a Hill’s Pet Slimmer clinic in your area. Click here for more

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Slimmer Clinics

For login details and access to all your practice’s pet slimmers, you will need to first become a participating Hill’s Pet Slimmer clinic. Click here for more

Exercise tips for
Pet Slimmers

Exercise is a vital component of keeping you dog or cat's weight in check, and getting an exercise programme tailored for their individual needs is always best.

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Exercises for your cat

Cats may not be getting sufficient exercise, particularly those with an indoor lifestyle. Here are some ideas to boost the activity level of your cat.

  • Walking on a harness. This one may require some practice! However, do also think about this at home and make your cat follow, jump and chase whenever you can.
  • Buy or make your cat some toys to encourage active play. Ping pong balls or even a scrunched piece of paper work a treat.
  • Get some boxes for cats to climb in and out of.
  • Massage and stretching helps to warm up muscles, release tension and stimulate blood circulation. Frequent grooming may also help.
  • Allow your cat to hunt for their food feeding them in different places each day, using obstacles or feeding from high spaces.
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