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Pet Slimmer Winner

Princess Sasha bounces back

Lost 4 kgs
40.8% of her bodyweight

Give a paws up


Dachshund, Female

Starting Weight: 9.8 kgs
Current Weight: 5.8 kgs
Percentage Lost: 40.8%

Slimmer Practice
Pierre van Ryneveld Vet Clinic, Pretoria

Slimmer Supervisor
Marietjie Botha

Sasha - progress 1 Sasha - progress 2

Sasha’s Story

My little Sasha was born around 9 years ago. Little Sasha ate anything and everything that came her way. She absolutely loved food - she just couldn't get enough of it. As she grew older, Sasha became bigger than her own parents. She was completely overweight. She was far from being an active dog and just preferred to sit around, sleep a lot, and be lazy throughout the day. Walking to the top gate at home required a large amount of motivation for Sasha. She would walk a few steps and then stop and sit, then I would say (multiple times), “C'mon Sash, c'mon girl, let's go, c'mon princess!". Sometimes we wouldn't reach the top gate and sometimes we would, however, Sasha battled immensely. Her little legs and her back took a big toll. When she ran very short distances (for instance when someone would come out to the garden, she would get excited and run towards them), her entire body would wobble, and she would move to the side, hence not run in a straight line. For many years, Sasha had been an overweight sausage dog, however, recently this changed drastically - she has become an entirely new dog! 

On the 21st of January 2023, Sasha started her weight loss journey on the Hill's Pet Slimmer Programme at Pierre van Ryneveld Clinic at a whopping 9.8 kg. There were numerous challenges, and it was a long journey with many ups and downs, but we never gave up. In May 2023, little Sasha reached her goal weight of 6.4 kg and is now a healthy 5.9. She is an absolutely new dog right now! She is now the most gorgeous looking little sausage dog who literally looks like a pup. She has endless amounts of energy and requires zero amount of motivation to walk to the top gate. She just sprints with her short little legs! She has indeed become one energetic little pup full of so much life and joy! I am so incredibly proud of my little Sasha and will be forever grateful for the kindness and assistance Sr Marietjie at Pierre van Ryneveld Clinic showed and offered me during Sasha's weight loss journey.

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