Find the option that describes your dog to see if they are at risk
Very thin
Ribs highly prominent. Acute lumber waist. Sharp abdominal tuck. No fat cover.
Your dog is very thin. We'd recommend making an appointment to see your vet as soon as possible to rule out possible diseases and help your dog get back to a healthy weight.
Ribs prominent. Defined lumber waist. Clear abdominal tuck.
It seems like your dog is not carrying enough weight. This could be due to incorrect feeding amounts, but we'd recommend you take your dog for a checkup at the vet so that they can help get your dog back to a healthy weight.
Ideal weight
Ribs visible and easily felt. Well proportioned lumber waist. Abdominal tuck present.
Well done! Your dog seems to be in perfect shape and is at low risk of pet obesity.
Ribs not visible. Loss of lumber waist. Flat square look to abdomen.
Your dog is at a serious risk
of obesity and we recommend you take your dog to the vet for a weight check and enrol them on the Hill’s Pet Slimmer Programme. Learn more here.
Ribs difficult to feel. Broadened back. Severe abdominal bulge. Fat deposits around neck
and tail base.
Your dog is at severe risk
and you could be shortening
the time you get to spend together. Research clearly demonstrates that overweight pets have shorter lives and are
at higher risk of a range of diseases. Enrol your pet in our tried and tested Pet Slimmer Programme. Learn more here.
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