Logging in as?

Pet Parent

For login details and access to your pets profile and personalized weight loss plan, you will need to first enrol your pet at a Hill’s Pet Slimmer clinic in your area. Click here for more

Hill's Pet
Slimmer Clinics

For login details and access to all your practice’s pet slimmers, you will need to first become a participating Hill’s Pet Slimmer clinic. Click here for more

Top questions

Do you have a question? Have a look at some of the commonly asked questions we have have answers.

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for please contact us here

Is my pet's food available in dry, canned and treat versions?

To see all the available options for your pet's food, use our...


How many calories are in Hill's pet foods?

Calories vary from one product to another because each is designed for specific life stages and lifestyles. The calorie content for each of our foods is included in our online product selector


Is it okay to feed my pet table scraps or "people" food?

We agree with veterinarians who strongly believe that feeding pets table scraps or "people" food can lead to excesses or deficiencies of nutrients in your dog's diet which over time may result in health problems. 


How much should I feed my pet?

How do I join the Pet Slimmer Programme?

We're really glad to hear you are considering enrolling your pet in our Pet Slimmer programme! This is the first step to a happier, healthier, active pet! Not to mention some wonderful incentives to keep you are your pet on track to their new found energy for life.

Help us share the dangers of pet obesity